Gender Affirming Care Consultation Group

For providers working with Gender, Sexual, & Romantic Minorities

Connection, Education & Consultation

The Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minorities Consultation group is lead by therapists Laura Baker, Dr. Seth Rian, JJ Lee, Dr. Mary Minten & Vic Campbell, and meets virtually from 12:30-2pm on the first Wednesday of every month. This group is open to all healthcare providers working with gender expansive clients, though it’s comprised of mainly therapists and focuses on mental health. While this is not formal supervision that can be counted towards therapist licensure hours, it operates as a combination of supervision, peer consultation, and networking.

Join us for:

  • Specific case consultations

  • Information and resource sharing

  • Networking with GSRM specialty providers in Nevada

  • Information on best practices, and education on relevant topics

Please review our Welcome Packet for important information about the group, meetings, professional training & development, and what to expect.

Email Us to join today!